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Dawn and Elisabeth, North Carolina

THANK YOU, Becky, from this mother and daughter, for sharing your gift of Joyfuel with us!  We had experienced the magic you’ve created in other projects, so we knew Joyfuel would be good.  And it was!  It still is, too…  Joyfuel just continues to give.  Our favorite thing about Joyfuel was the daily dose of positivity and perspective.  We also loved your beautiful artwork.  It inspired us to be more creative; together, and on our own.

We signed up separately in order to experience it in our own ways.  Elisabeth really enjoyed the independence of making it hers.  She found Joyfuel to be a source of encouragement at a crucial time in her preteen life.  It is so powerful when wisdom creeps into a young life through a role model other than a parent.

This approach allowed Joyfuel to minister to my soul, too.  I needed this as much as she did.

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