The Longest Night: Embracing Grief, Celebrating Light

Dearest Joyfuellers,

I am humbled and honored to invite you to join with people all over the world for a sacred intention to co-witness The Longest Night: Embracing Grief, Celebrating  Light that occurred on Solstice, Tuesday December 21st, 3:40 pm – 6:30 EST 2021

I wish I could tell you how it is that I have come to be behind and beside this extraordinary sacred online event, but for now my best understanding is that I keep listening to my heart’s directive and showing up and continuing my devotion with a collective of people who–like me–believe in a different way of being in and of this world. We believe in creating media that is experiential and animating, uplifting and connective.

I am in awe. I am grateful, and I am truly and deeply in loving service.

There are many people around the world contributing gifts to this program, including prayers and ceremony from Woman Stands Shining Pat McCabe, Chief Dwaine Perry, Rev. Pippa Jones (One Spirit) and so many others. Loving details have gone into every moment, including music and poetry from Gary Malkin, Kristin Hoffman, Milagros Phillips and Libby Roderick.

With silence, stories, prayers, music, all in a circle of deep listening, we invite you to join us as we gather and form the deeper bonds of love, friendship and community to strengthen us and enlighten us for the times to come.

Bring a candle, and a small bowl/vessel of water to participate in sacred ceremony as you watch our recording at the bottom of this post.

The program began with the Solstice commemoration of the Global Silent Minute, from 3:40pm EST. Sunset in New York  at 4:32pm that day, as we entered “The Longest Night” inviting all of us to reflect upon our stories as we re-conceive and regenerate our future through recalibrating humanity’s custodianship for our beautiful, blue planet.

All wisdom traditions affirm the importance of giving presence to our loss and grief, both personal and collective. Indigenous traditions and all the world’s religions have various ceremonies to allow grief to be expressed and offer some form of release.

It is important for us to come together as a global community to share this moment of reflection, of sorrow and loss, that we may hold and support each other in our shared grief to acknowledge what is passing as we sense what is emerging – the seeds of the “new” seeking expression.

We are grateful for the gift of your presence.

With love and gratitude,
Becky Suzik, Joyfuel

11-11 Make a wish and join Indigenous Elder Patricia Anne Davis

Dear Joyfuellers,

In a few hours I have the privilege and joy of hosting an event with friends at the Co-Creators Convergence, featuring 90-minutes with an extraordinary teacher and friend Patrician Anne Davis.

You are invited to join us in the Zoomy. Being with Patricia and hearing her share is a profound blessing. I am always learning and expanding and working to reclaim my own natural order and interconnectedness to the world and to all my relatives–2 legged, 4-legged, wing-ed, finned… rocks, fire, earth. Grandmother Patricia has made a deep impact on my heartmind and affirmed to me the power of word choice.

TOPIC: The Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Wellness Restoration is a sequencing of phases for healing, which is correction and curing, not coping. It is cross-cultural, intergenerational, inclusive, universal in practical application and can be translated into any language. The participants will learn and experience 1) Naming an out of balance condition and identifying the Root Cause; 2) Emptying through discernment between the Inverse thinking system and the Affirmative thinking system to purify and cleanse obstacles and stagnant crystalized thought forms of Groupthink, Cognitive Dissonance dis-ease and disease; 3) Reframing is out of Inverse thinking and into Affirmative thinking; 4) Group consensus for designing co-creative solutions; 5) Practical application of the power for social potential in systems level change.

Join us if you can, at 8pm EST (New York) in Co-Creators Convergence Zoom Room!

GUEST: Patricia Anne Davis
TOPIC: “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Designing Co-Creative Solutions”
HOST: Becky Suzik
DATE: November 11, 2021, 8pm EST (New York)
TOPIC: “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Designing Co-Creative Solutions”
Becky xoxo

Our Story is Changing – Discover the New Science of Oneness




Dearest Joyfuellers,

I’m giddy to be part of the Global Oneness Summit this year and I’m excited to invite you to the to experience inspirational programs, speakers and events offered Oct 16-24th.

On Day 2 of the Summit at 1pm EDT I join the incomparable galvanizer Jon Ramer of the SINE Network who is hosting a deep dive conversation called “Tales of Synergy from the Magic Canoe” along with some other incredible colleagues (who are also dear friends) tirelessly devoted to peacebuilding, including Ben Bowler of UNITY Earth, Dr. Kurt Johnson, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, and Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr. We’ll share reflections about what we’ve been co-creating and amplifying within commUnity  since World UNITY Week 2020! If you don’t know, it’s really and truly worldchanging… (and that is NOT an exaggeration. LOL.)

click to Register for FREE

Our session is Day 2 of the Summit at 1pm EDT.

Register for FREE 🙂 using this link, and receive invites for the full week’s events. You can pick and choose what you’d like to engage with.

Join us and get inspired by more than 100 thought leaders sharing their wisdom, including Gregg Braden, Deborah Moldow, Diane Williams, Denise Scotto, Paul Hawken, Michael Lindfield, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Julie Krull, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Dr. Jude Currivan, Kate Sheehan Roach, Lynne Twist, Sarah McCrum, Dr. Marty K. Casey, Rev. Diane Berke… and many others.

click here to Register for FREE

I hope you can join us and if you do, do let me know what you think. I’ll be watching through out the week too, and look forward to this time of exploration of the new science of oneness.


p.s. While I hope you can join us for the entire Free Global Oneness Summit, if you’re not able to attend any of the events at their scheduled times, as long as you’re signed up, you’ll receive links so you can watch them at a time that works for you.

Joyfuel ACTIVATE! a mini playshop for your joy







Dear HeARTs,
I’m excited to invite you to a mini Joyfuel playshop with my dear friends Noel Marshall and Bob Warner at CoCreators Convergence. You are invited to join us in this Zoom Room on Thursday September 9th at 8pm EDT for 90 mins of exploration of joy and joy guardianship, with ideas especially for these uncertain times.

Come and consciously explore your own personal relationship with joy, self kindness and creativity. Bring bright colored art supplies (crayons, markers, oil pastels…. whatever you already own, blank paper or a journal and let’s play!

I’ll offer a few expressive heART experiences that may lead to you creating a work of heART that you might enjoy not liking…. heck… you may even enjoy LOVING your creation too.

Come to Co-Creators Convergence and let’s active our joyfuel together!
ABOUT: Becky Suzik believes in the healing powers of expressive arts and stories. As a creativity and joy activist she offers playshops designed to activate creativity while exploring personal narratives about people’s talents/abilities/curiosities. Becky’s company Joyfuel is a mixed-media unforce devoted to sharing and promoting kindness, creativity and JOY in and for the world.
About CoCreators Convergence: CoCreators Convergence is a Barbara Marx Hubbard legacy group dedicated to giving our unique gift to the shift in Humanity. This dynamic, open-hearted hub gathers every every Thursday to converse co-creatively. Visit their website to learn more about this remarkable collective on the forefront of creative collaboration towards healing humans and our earth. .

Hope you can join the JOY!
Love. love. LOVE!
becky xo

Joyfuel Saraswati Playshop, can you come and play?

art by Sue Halstenberg

Dear Joyfuellers,
It’s time to shine and play together in a zoom-based playshop devoted to YOUR creativity and JOY and a creativity goddess, Saraswati…. Can you join us?
Who:    YOU are invited.
What:   2 hours of creative play and expressive heART exploration through listening to stories, music, movement and expressing our own creative nature. (No previous art making experience necessary. Nothing is required but an open heART. Bring whatever art supplies you might enJOY playing with. More details will be shared with friends who register.)
When:   Sunday August 1st, 7pm to 9pm EDT (New York timezone) and/or Monday August 2nd, 11am to 1pm EDT. (Come to ONE or BOTH.)
Where:  Join us from YOUR place in our world, in Becky’s zoom room. (This is a private event and will NOT be livestreamed.)

Why:    Joyfuel Playshops provide time and space to rekindle and express your creative nature, perhaps meet some new friends, and make something of meaning and/or beauty that did not previously exist! Come to dance, enJOY music, hear a few stories and be inspired by a Goddess of Creativity, Art, Music, Words–Saraswati!What’s NEXT? RSVP by emailing me to let me know you can join us for the first or second session–or BOTH, that’s fab too.

Oooooh and in case you’re wondering….  there is no formal cost but your precious attention. I offer my work in gift economy spectrum with the intention to be as inclusive as possible. I’ll share more during the playshop, but please know you are not required to pay anything. If you choose to gift to me, I am grateful and shall share half of your gift with an organization doing worldchanging work.
so much LOVE for your JOY,

Joyfuel is simmering a new Playshop May 28, join me for JOY!

Dearest Joyfuellers,

I have so many beautiful stories to share with you about this past year. I have never felt more devoted to my sacred mixed-media work than this past year, and finding ways to express, and attempt to inspire the JOY of others –my favorite music of all– through my work.

By breaking our hearts open in sadness, physical separation and loss during this past year of the Pandemic, Mama Earth is calling us into loving action towards the reduction of unnecessary suffering in the world. It is time to risk and love as if today might be the last day to love, because truly I know that LOVE and a new way of looking and being love will save us and create our new story together.

I am devoted to using–and reinventing– media and technology for kindness, creativity and joy, aspiring  towards co-creating peace on earth.

Through intentional use of technology, my heart and actions fly around our Earth (while from my home upon Tuscarora and Catawba land in North Carolina) working with and for so many others who are no longer waiting for governments to fix broken and hurtful systems of our world… instead we are doing the healing and restorative sacred listening work we need now.  It is beautiful. It is time to shine and become the love we were made to be.

I am humbled and in awe of what I am connected to, In service to a bigger vision than Joyfuel. While Joyfuel is on the backburner, it is still simmering while I learn, listen and discover more of how I might use my lifelong experience in communications to make a more significant impact for good in the world. Joyfuel is still here and in a few months, after World UNITY Week–a massive global giftfest, for which I am working behind the scenes–, I will begin devoting more daily time to the Joyfuel Trifecta (kindness, creativity and joy).

In the meantime I wanted to share what I hope is a lovely opportUNITY for us to play together towards animating YOUR joy. This Friday May 28 at 12 noon EDT (New York time) we have a Joyfuel Playshop! WooHoooooooo!!!!!!!!

Register for JOY HERE

Come and dedicate two hours to your own personal JOY, creativity and more than a smidge of self kindness.
Using basic art supplies (crayons, markers, oil pastels, etc… whatever you have!), music and words we will journey and co-create together what I hope will be a playful and joyful uplifting time together in our private zoom room.
This playshop is offered within the spectrum of gift economy. Half of all funds bless me and my family, the other half will support two groups of women doing healing and restorative work in the Amazon Rainforest and in Cameroon.
You are welcome to gift to me if you choose and as you are able, any amount you choose, or support my work through Patreon.
I am deeply grateful for all gifts,  and especially the gift of your presence.
Here is a short video sharing more about the Playshop!

To complete your registration visit

(This is a private event and will not be streamed online. This is for YOU if you are interested in learning more about consciously cultivating JOY in your life and JOY as a daily practice.)
So much love from my heART to yours,
p.s. Make a wish…. blow out (yes, exhale on the image for realsies)… and I am praying with you: We shall be blessed.

The Joyfuel Kindcast and the meaning of Santa Claus

Dear Joyfuellers,

To end the year off in JOY I wanted to share the latest Joyfuel Kindcast with you, to remind us all of the beauty, magic and wonder of the personification of Christmas, it’s Santa Claus himself. It was such a joy to spend this special time together and to discover enchanting secrets from Father Christmas, and the magic behind the magic. I hope you too, enJOY!


It has been an extraordinary year together, apart. I have profound gratitude for the gift of your presence in the world and in my life, and vow to continue to contribute to news and media in ways that uplift, honor, celebrate the truths of being human and the things that offer opportunities to unite us through stories and mutual understanding.

I have been considering 2021 and the intentions I hold for my work with Joyfuel. This past year found me dropping and re-imagining my own understanding of what social media and communications could look like. I trust 2021 will continue to grow all of us closer to one another, towards more fully realizing our very real dependence on each other and our earth. Each and every person on earth matters and is significant to the new story the earth is beckoning us to imagine and live together.

Thank you for watching, listening and engaging in the multitude of ways you have this past year. I am so grateful for your views,  comments, likes–your attention and presence,  and to those of you who have given money gift support through our Patreon Joyfuel page, thank you.

If you have ideas or suggestions for the future of Joyfuel please do get in touch…. I’d love to hear from you.

In kindness, creativity and joy for you–for all of us,
Becky xoxo

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Joyfuel Kindcast musician Pushkara Sally Ashford

dear ones,

On my journey to reclaiming my personal joy I made a conscious decision to bring people and experiences into my life that brought me joy— daily. Today I would like to extend an opportunity worthy of your attention and time— for your JOY!

Check out the Joyfuel kindcast – with Pushkara Sally Ashford who shares her journey as a singer who lost her voice and went on to find her soul. Pushkara is a peace activist, is 80 years old and lives on Whidbey Island in Washington state. Please join us for about 70 mins and comment in the chat and offer your own reflections on her remarkable life story, and her music which is totally UPlifting and beautiful!  (Visit the Joyfuel YouTube Channel here and SUBSCRIBE .)

This sounds like joy to me.

with so much love for our joy… becky

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Caravan of Unity North Carolina

Dearest Joyfuellers,

The Caravan of Unity has made it’s way across the United States, embarking from Grace Cathedral California on August 28 and now, it’s 10th stop is in Raleigh North Carolina, my hometown, and will conclude this Tuesday September 29 in Washington, DC exactly where Dr. King sang his I Have a Dream Speech, some 57 years ago.

Super grateful to have been connected with this amazing event and want to invite you to join me in a Zoom Room to watch it together. I can’t believe it but it’s in less than four hours: starts at 8pm EDT (NY) but join me at 7:45 pm EDT to get settled for our watch party.

Here is the program lineup. You can also watch at various places on the internet but you are very welcome to jump in our zoom room.

Join us for the Caravan of Unity North Carolina event featuring
* Peace Pole Dedications from UU PEACE Fellowship and Planet Peace Affiliates,
* an uplifting message especially for children from Young Community Activists Elijah and Trinity Lee,
*music from the North Carolina Master Chorale,
* volunteerism initiative serving children through NC Guardian ad Litem,
*unity message and poem from NC Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green,
* inspiring personal empowerment story from Holly McCoy and Nina Magpili-Smith of INtangibles, Durham NC
and prayers from May Peace Prevail on Earth, Global Silent Minute and so much more.

Join us in our Zoom Room at 7:45 and watch together at 8pm EDT!

Broadcasting from Peace Weekend and

We are committed to taking loving and peaceful actions toward co-creating a world of peace, justice, freedom… and joy for all. And I am committed to telling stories of creativity, kindness and joy… stories that unify us while honoring our diversities.

with so much love for our joy,

Joy & Kindness Panel at World UNITY Week

Dear Joyfuellers,

Less than two weeks ago I had an extraordinary opportunity to be a part of World UNITY Week, a week-long global collaborative celebrating the contributions and ideas of thinkers and seekers around the world… events and offerings committed to deep listening and learning  to collaborate on healing solutions our earth and humanity deserves and needs.

Joyfuel partnered with so many inspiring organizations. I was behind the scenes of many presentations and even produced  several Joyfuel programs including a wonderful panel discussion about JOY and Kindness with Greg Acuna, Joy Resor and Louisa Garrett.

I hope you will find time to listen and experience their deep and meaningful thoughts and ideas about the possibilities of kindness and joy even as we navigate our world in the throes of a global pandemic.

Huge THANKS to our panelists for their contributions and for their willingness to jump in to share this conversation.


Louisa Garrett, #MakeKindLoud
● email address:
● Web site(s):
● Facebook Fan Page(s):


Joy Resor, Joy on Your Shoulders
● email address:
● Web site(s):
● Facebook Fan Page:



Greg Acuna, Planet Earthlings
● Email:
● Facebook:
● Twitter:

Please visit, like and follow their social media to invite positive energy and ideas into your life and your mediastream.

with love for your JOY,

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shift from me to we

(click above to hear an audio description of this post)

Dear Joyfuellers,

2020 is certainly providing a year to potentially reconsider and re-imagine our individual lives while contemplating our interconnectedness and dependencies upon one another.

Since 2014 Joyfuel has run numerous experiments about what it might mean to be a mixed-media agency dedicated to kindness, creativity and joy: In-person and online ePlayshops, social media Mindful Moments, and Joyfuel Kindcasts–each Joyfuel project has intended participant exploration of how we might open to play and generate ideas towards activating greater joy in humans.

As founder and lead joy activist at Joyfuel, I view 2020 as the year we discover together how to collaborate on Joyfuel shifting from “me to we”, by community sourcing new and inspiring content for our readers and subscribers. Perhaps our leading question this year: How do we collaborate and support an emerging community of storytellers committed to telling personal stories of the kindness, creativity and joy that binds us together?

Towards this exploration Joyfuel has been chosen by The Pollination Project to receive a 2020 Impact Grant providing funding towards our basic annual expenses. This funding will allow further investigation and engagement with you and other Joyfuellers around the world, and I am deeply grateful.

I am also deeply concerned by the tidal wave impact of coronavirus creating lockdown and health care crisises, and food shortages all over the world. My heart is fully broken open to find ways to use ideas and funding to inspire and support people in sharing their stories of kindness, and how to find joy amidst sadness and loss.

Holding all of these facts and concerns, Joyfuel is rolling out a new initiative… a new branch is growing on the Joyfuel Tree called JOY CORPS.

Joy Corps aspires to train and support world-wide storytellers for kindness through storytelling workshops and brainstorming sessions supporting people through the ideation process of potentially solving their problems through the power of visual kindness storytelling.

Joy Corps is still very much unfolding and in the works. I hope to offer our first training in early May, and have new storytellers’ kindness stories featured on our media channels very soon.

As these projects are emerging, your financial gifts are greatly appreciated. Please consider a recurring monthly financial gift on Patreon (change amount or cancel anytime), a one-time gift through paypal, or gift a larger amount by check. Every penny will be used to grow and support our community in 2020.

Your ideas and thoughts are welcome. Please comment or hit reply to let me know what you are thinking. We will do this together. Now more than ever we need an agency to speak of the things that unify us in humanity, qualities of kindness, creativity and joy to support us through these challenging times. I am dedicated to you and this work and to finding a way together.

In gratitude for JOY,

Becky Suzik
Joyfuel Founder and Chief Joy Activist

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